Sunday, November 23, 2008

So I turned my back this morning to make breakfast...

and this is what I found. Dylan had managed to get into the towel drawer, pull out the baking mit and put it on. It obviously led to him trying to open the oven but that's a different story.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Dylan's first lunch box

We have a very exciting play date today so what better time than to use his first lunch box! Of course it's not other than Thomas the Tank Engine. Contents are as followed:

1/2 an apricot sandwich
small bag of "just in case" teddy grahms
mozzarella cheese stick
a "just in case" banana
and a container of cubed mango's which makes for exciting diapers

Monday, November 17, 2008

Happy 15 months!!!

Just a few pictures from today. I only seem to get pictures in his high chair, probably because he is strapped down and can't move.

Friday, November 7, 2008